lunes, 8 de agosto de 2011

jueves, 4 de agosto de 2011

Far side of the Moon shaped by collision in space

Experts believe that the Earth originally had two moons in orbit around it, but that one was absorbed into the other when they smashed together in space as many as 4.4 billion years ago.
The theory would explain why the far side of the Moon has a thick, mountainous crust while the near side is flat – a question physicists have never been able to agree on.
It could also solve the riddle of why the side of the Moon facing Earth is rich in minerals like potassium and phosphorus, and the other side is not, researchers said.
Dr Martin Jutzi from the University of Bern in Switzerland, who led the research, said it is likely that both moons were created at the same time, when an object the size of Mars crashed into Earth and broke up.
A computer model suggests that after about 50 million years the smaller moon would have hit our Moon, which was about three times larger.
Because of the slow speed at which the collision happened, the smaller moon would have broken up and "splatted" itself against our Moon's crust in mountainous piles rather than leaving a crater.
The clouds of rock would have settled onto the far hemisphere regardless of where the impact happened because the moon is not perfectly round, according to the study published in the Nature journal.
This process, known as accretion, would have pushed the Moon's sea of magma across to the side facing Earth, helping to explain why it is richer in minerals.
Prof Erik Asphaug, of the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC), who co-authored the study, said: "Impact modellers try to explain everything with collisions. In this case, it requires an odd collision: being slow, it does not form a crater, but splats material onto one side."
Dr Jutzi added: "The little moon falls down on the big Moon but the speed is low because the gravity of the Moon is not too strong. Most of the small moon gets accreted, and a very small part gets re-ejected and is probably still in orbit around the moon."
Last year Prof Francis Nimmo, also of UCSC, suggested an alternate theory that tidal forces were responsible for the formation of highlands on the Moon's far hemisphere.
He said: "The fact that the near side of the Moon looks so different to the far side has been a puzzle since the dawn of the space age, perhaps second only to the origin of the Moon itself.
“One of the elegant aspects of Erik’s article is that it links these two puzzles together: perhaps the giant collision that formed the Moon also spalled off some smaller bodies, one of which later fell back to the Moon to cause the dichotomy that we see today.”

martes, 2 de agosto de 2011

Comet ELEnin more information

Nov 9, 2011 the earth will supposedly cross the threshold of the debris tail of ELENIN on the same plain (assuming ELENIN is a real object that would be catastrophic).

This is a cool interactive NASA chart displaying the comets trajectory through the solar system:

ELENIN, according to some researchers stands for Extinction Level Event Notable Impact November — also encoded into the name is Elevin Nine (Nov. 9), and LEONID (a meteor shower that peaks in November).

So is NASA worried? Not on the surface. They did release this internal video for their employees concerning emergency preparedness, though:

This also ties in with the massive gearing up of underground bases recently built, specifically under the new Denver International Airport.

This incoming object appears to be massive. The strange thing is that only a select few sources worldwide have seen the object a few of which we traced back to DARPA directly.

Big seems to be the appropriate word for we now have the first actual astronomical calculations that puts the coma (the part they can see is 50,000 miles in diameter) Yes a big rock!

“On April 8th at our Russian observatory we carried out planned observations of Comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin). An analysis of the results of the observations shows a rapid growth of the coma. Besides the internal compact gas envelope, the forming rarified external coma is also visible in the image.

Its diameter exceeds 1 minute of arc, or 80,000 km! It is possible that such a rapid growth of the coma is associated with the apparent superposition over it of the comet’s dust tail, which after opposition, still remains invisible to the earthly observer.”

The coma is what astronomers actually see and is actually much bigger than the core. It’s the green in the second above picture that they are saying is 80,000 km or 50,000 miles across. We could estimate that the core might be half the diameter of the coma or approximately 25,000 miles. Big enough—it seems to be already stirring up the Earth under our feet.

We have news out of Cornell University that sustains the view that Elenin is playing a direct part in causing large earthquakes.

Professor Mensur Omerbashich is saying that his “georesonator concept in which tidally induced magnification of Earth masses’ resonance causes seismicity.” This trashes NASA’s assertion that the humongous earthquake we saw in Japan and before that with the ones in Chile and New Zealand were coincidental with alignments between Elenin, the Earth and the Sun.

The earth’s seismicity can arise as a natural response
of our planet to its alignments with other celestial objects.
Professor Mensur Omerbashich

Omerbashich demonstrates empirically that “all strong (~M6+) earthquakes of 2010 occurred during the Earth’s long astronomical alignments within our solar system. He shows that the same holds true for all very strong (~M8+) earthquakes of the decade of 2000s.

He asserts that the “comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin) has been adding to robustness in terms of very strong seismicity since 2007. Elenin will continue intensifying the Earth’s very strong seismicity until August-October, 2011.”

It seems like every time Elenin lines up with Earth and another planet or the Sun we have an earthquake, the nearer Elenin gets the bigger the earthquakes.

Now of course we have many earthquakes and if we showed them all, this chart would then lose much of its meaning. The 9.1 earthquake in Japan though will never lose its meaning and it happened on cue with an alignment with Elenin.

Past Elenin Alignments and Earthquakes:
Past Alignments Date Location Magnitude
Elenin – Earth – Sun Feb 20 2008 Indonesia 7.4
Elenin – Earth – Sun Feb 25 2008 Indonesia 7.2
Elenin – Earth – Neptune May 12 2008 China 7.9
Elenin – Earth – Sun Feb 18 2009 Kermadec Islands 7.0
Elenin – Earth -Jupiter May 18 2009 Los Angeles, US 4.7
Elenin – Mercury- Earth July 15 2009 New Zealand 7.8
Elenin – Mercury – Earth Aug 09 2009 Japan 7.1
Elenin – Sun – Earth Sept 09 2009 Sunola islands 8.1
Elenin – Earth – Venus Feb 18 2010 China/RU/N.Korea 6.9
Elenin – Earth-Sun Feb 25 2010 China 5.2
Elenin – Earth-Sun Feb 26 2010 Japan 7.0
Elenin – Earth- Sun Feb 27 2010 Chile 8.8 [Earth knocked off axis]
Elenin – Earth- Sun Feb 27 2010 Argentina 6.3
Elenin – Earth – Mercury Mar 04 2010 Taiwan 6.3
Elenin – Earth – Mercury Mar 04 2010 Vanuatu 6.5
Elenin – Earth – Mercury Mar 05 2010 Chile 6.6
Elenin – Earth – Mercury Mar 05 2010 Indonesia 6.3
Elenin – Earth – Mercury Mar 08 2010 Turkey 6.1
Elenin – Earth – Neptune May 05 2010 Indonesia 6.6
Elenin – Earth – Neptune May 06 2010 Chile 6.2
Elenin – Earth – Neptune May 09 2010 Indonesia 7.2
Elenin – Earth – Neptune May 14 2010 Algeria 5.2
Elenin – Earth – Jupiter Jan 03 2011 Chile 7.0
Elenin – Earth – Sun March 11 2011 Japan 9.0 [Earth knocked off axis]
Future Elenin Alignments:
Future Alignments Date Note
Elenin – Mercury – Mars – Earth Sept 06 2011
Mercury – Sun – Elenin Sept 25 2011
Sun – Elenin – Jupiter Oct 11 2011 Elenin 0.246au from Earth; that’s a quarter of the distance to the sun.
Oct 17 2011 Elenin closet to earth 0.232au
Oct 20 2011 Elenin will enter Earth orbit and we will experience a gravitational pull.
Nov 02 2011 Earth enter Elenins tail/ previous path
Venus – Earth- Elenin – Mercury Nov 11 2011
Sun – Mercury – Earth – Elenin Dec 04 2011
Mars – Elenin – Jupiter Dec 25 2011
Final Alignment: Elenin – Earth – Sun Dec 21 2012

The next alignment occurs on September 6th. Watch the news on this date for a large earthquake. Use this as a barometer. If a massive quake occurs, then you know this info has substance.

Many sceptics are out there. You have to look at all the info before making a snap decision.

Below you will see two articles, one from the Washington Post and another from The New York Times from 28 years ago, but read them like they were printed yesterday. Astronomy deals practically with eternity so what is 28 years? NASA came right out and admitted they found a massive very cold body outside the solar system.

Now they are not saying a thing about this or whether this massive comet has anything to do with their discovery almost three decades ago. What could possibly be their motive for keeping a tight lid on this terribly important subject?

Mass panic concerns, obviously.
Washington Post
Mystery Heavenly Body Discovered
A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite. So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a nearby “protostar” that never got hot enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is still in the process of forming its first stars, or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none of the light cast by its stars ever gets through. “All I can tell you is that we don’t know what it is,” Dr. Gerry Neugebauer, IRAS chief scientist for California’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and director of the Palomar Observatory for the California Institute of Technology, said in an interview.
The most fascinating explanation of this mystery body, which is so cold it casts no light and has never been seen by optical telescopes on Earth or in space, is that it is a giant gaseous planet, as large as Jupiter and as close to Earth as 50 billion miles. While that may seem like a great distance in earthbound terms, it is a stone’s throw in cosmological terms, so close in fact that it would be the nearest heavenly body to Earth beyond the outermost planet Pluto. “If it is really that close, it would be a part of our solar system,” said Dr. James Houck of Cornell University’s Center for Radio Physics and Space Research and a member of the IRAS science team. “If it is that close, I don’t know how the world’s planetary scientists would even begin to classify it.”
The mystery body was seen twice by the infrared satellite as it scanned the northern sky from last January to November, when the satellite ran out of the super-cold helium that allowed its telescope to see the coldest bodies in the heavens. The second observation took place six months after the first and suggested the mystery body had not moved from its spot in the sky near the western edge of the constellation Orion in that time. “This suggests it’s not a comet because a comet would not be as large as the one we’ve observed and a comet would probably have moved,” Houck said. “A planet may have moved if it were as close as 50 billion miles but it could still be a more distant planet and not have moved in six months’ time.
Whatever it is, Houck said, the mystery body is so cold its temperature is no more than 40 degrees above “absolute” zero, which is 459 degrees Fahrenheit below zero. The telescope aboard IRAS is cooled so low and is so sensitive it can “see” objects in the heavens that are only 20 degrees above absolute zero. When IRAS scientists first saw the mystery body and calculated that it could be as close as 50 billion miles, there was some speculation that it might be moving toward Earth. “It’s not incoming mail,” Cal Tech’s Neugebauer said. “I want to douse that idea with as much cold water as I can.”

The New York Times
Clues Get Warm in the Search for Planet X
John Noble Wilford
Something out there beyond the farthest reaches of the known solar system seems to be tugging at Uranus and Neptune. Some gravitational force keeps perturbing the two giant planets, causing irregularities in their orbits. The force suggests a presence far away and unseen, a large object that may be the long-sought Planet X.
Evidence assembled in recent years has led several groups of astronomers to renew the search for the 10th planet. They are devoting more time to visual observations with the 200-inch telescope at Mount Palomar in California. They are tracking two Pioneer spacecraft, now approaching the orbit of distant Pluto, to see if variations in their trajectories provide clues to the source of the mysterious force. And they are hoping that a satellite-borne telescope launched last week will detect heat “signatures” from the planet, or whatever it is out there.
The Infrared Astronomical Satellite was boosted into a 560-mile-high polar orbit Tuesday night from Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA. It represents an $80-million venture by the United States, Britain and the Netherlands. In the next six or seven months, the telescope is expected to conduct a wide-ranging survey of nearly all the sky, detecting sources not of ordinary light, but of infrared radiation, which is invisible to the human eye and largely absorbed by the atmosphere. Scientists thus hope that the new telescope will chart thousands of infrared-emitting objects that have gone undetected—stars, interstellar clouds, asteroids and, with any luck, the object that pulls at Uranus and Neptune.
The last time a serious search of the skies was made, it led to the discovery in 1930 of Pluto, the ninth planet. But the story begins more than a century before that, after the discovery of Uranus in 1781 by the English astronomer and musician William Herschel. Until then, the planetary system seemed to end with Saturn.
As astronomers observed Uranus, noting irregularities in its orbital path, many speculated that they were witnessing the gravitational pull of an unknown planet. So began the first planetary search based on astronomers’ predictions, which ended in the 1840s with the discovery of Neptune almost simultaneously by English, French and German astronomers.
But Neptune was not massive enough to account entirely for the orbital behavior of Uranus. Indeed, Neptune itself seemed to be affected by a still more remote planet. In the late 19th century, two American astronomers, William H. Pickering and Percival Lowell, predicted the size and approximate location of the trans-Neptunian body, which Lowell called Planet X.
Years later, Pluto was detected by Clyde W. Tombaugh working at Lowell Observatory in Arizona. Several astronomers, however, suspected it might not be the Planet X of prediction. Subsequent observations proved them right. Pluto was too small to change the orbits of Uranus and Neptune; the combined mass of Pluto and its recently discovered satellite, Charon, is only one-fifth that of Earth’s moon.
Recent calculations by the United States Naval Observatory have confirmed the orbital perturbation exhibited by Uranus and Neptune, which Dr. Thomas C. Van Flandern, an astronomer at the observatory, says could be explained by “a single undiscovered planet.” He and a colleague, Dr. Robert Harrington, calculate that the 10th planet should be two to five times more massive than Earth and have a highly elliptical orbit that takes it some 5 billion miles beyond that of Pluto—hardly next door but still within the gravitational influence of the Sun.
Some astronomers have reacted cautiously to the 10th-planet predictions. They remember the long, futile quest for the planet Vulcan inside the orbit of Mercury; Vulcan, it turned out, did not exist. They wonder why such a large object as a 10th planet escaped the exhaustive survey by Mr. Tombaugh, who is sure it is not in the two-thirds of the sky he examined. But according to Dr. Ray T. Reynolds of the Ames Research Center in Mountain View, CA, other astronomers “are so sure of the 10th planet, they think there’s nothing left but to name it.”
At a scientific meeting last summer, 10th-planet partisans tended to prevail. Alternative explanations for the outer-planet perturbations were offered. The something out there, some scientists said, might be an unseen black hole or neutron star passing through the Sun’s vicinity. Defenders of the 10th planet parried the suggestions. Material falling into the gravitational field of a black hole, the remains of a very massive star after its complete gravitational collapse, should give off detectable X-rays, they noted; no X-rays have been detected. A neutron star, a less massive star that has collapsed to a highly dense state, should affect the courses of comets, they said, yet no such changes have been observed.
More credence was given to the hypothesis that a “brown dwarf” star accounts for the mysterious force. This is the informal name astronomers give to celestial bodies that were not massive enough for their thermonuclear furnaces to ignite; perhaps like the huge planet Jupiter, they just missed being self-illuminating stars.
Most stars are paired, so it is not unreasonable to suggest that the Sun has a dim companion. Moreover, a brown dwarf in the neighborhood might not reflect enough light to be seen far away, said Dr. John Anderson of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA. Its gravitational forces, however, should produce energy detectable by the Infrared Astronomical Satellite.
Whatever the mysterious force, be it a brown dwarf or a large planet, Dr. Anderson said he was “quite optimistic” that the infrared telescope might find it and that the Pioneer spacecraft could supply an estimate of the object’s mass. Of course, no one can be sure that even this discovery would define the outermost boundary of the solar system.

So the signs are out there. The Government has prepared underground bases and has continuity of government procedures in place. Notable among them are:

1. REX84 (Readiness Exercise 1984)
Activated due to a catastrophic event that is yet to take place.

2. A Pentagon announced plan that directly correlates with a 2009, Army funded, Rand Corporation study that called for an internal United States police force to combat civil unrest. The plan basically calls for the deployment of a 20,000 strong internal troop force inside the continental United States (CONUS) that was set to be trained by 2011, thus dovetailing into the current troop and equipment movements around the country reported by truckers as well as many more troop sightings by everyday citizens.


That all depends on what you believe. You can choose NOT to see the signs and go about your daily lives without a care, or you can try and prepare yourself and your family for any contingency.

Be prepared for massive earthquakes. Stock up on food, water, and ammunition.

Be prepared to get underground during the passage through the comets tail on November 9th. Our magnetosphere that day will not protect us.

lunes, 1 de agosto de 2011

Elenin Comet: Astronomers killed 2

The team has therefore Wikistrike and thought long and hard before publishing the information of the utmost importance. This information might affect media and human irreversible. According to our sources, we found suspicious recent death of two astronomers, who were among the largest in the world. What you will read is exclusive and these killings are as irrefutable proof of what awaits us all.

Brian Geoffrey Marsden was born August 5, 1937, died November 18, 2010. He was an American-British astronomer, in 1978 he was the director of the Minor Planet Center located at SAO Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Minor Planet Center, under the auspices of the International Astronomical Union, it is the official body responsible for collecting observational data for small planets (asteroids) and comets, the calculation of their orbits and the publication of this information via the Minor Planet Circulars ...

Allan Rex Sandage was born June 18, 1926 in Iowa City, Iowa (USA), and died in San Gabriel (California) November 13, 2010, he was one of the greatest contemporary American astronomers. Born into a Jewish family, he converted to the end of his life to Christianity. Sandage working at the Palomar Observatory. The observatory is owned and operated by the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). One of the important programs at Mount Palomar was awarded the research program of near-Earth comets and asteroids called Near Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT). the near-Earth asteroids are asteroids moving close to or towards the Earth. To name one often uses the abbreviation ECA , English Earth-Crossing Asteroids , asteroid whose orbit crosses that of Earth. Some of these objects are likely to hit Earth, they are being searched and special monitoring ...

Both men died of an acute encephalomyelitis. The acute disseminated encephalomyelitis or post-infectious encephalitis or perivenous encephalitis is an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. It is usually secondary to viral, bacterial or vaccination but may also occur spontaneously. It consists of inflammation leading to autoimmune destruction of myelin sheaths in the white matter, and has similarities in this regard (physiopathological, clinical and laboratory) with outbreaks of multiple plaques.C is a rare disease the incidence is 0.8 cases/100 000 persons / year and affects preferentially in children and adolescents, most cases occurring between 5 and 8 years. This disease may be rapid inoculated using an aerosol weapon often used by the CIA.

The two astronomers had died at 5 day intervals with the same disease, and more importantly of an extremely rare disease. They were specialized in research and observation of comets. Death threats from the U.S. government not to reveal their findings about the trajectory and the actual size of the comet Elenin, they persisted in trying to reveal the facts to the public but in vain. A few weeks later, the trajectory is given officially to the public by NASA will be obviously false. The work of Marsden and Sandage showed a close much too large. The consequences would be an outbreak of the earth's crust over the entire globe. A real disaster. Half of humanity will be decimated.

Let us recall that the physicist Michio Kaku, who predicted earthquakes in Japan, announced a global earthquake. The renowned scientist, Michi Kaku, a physicist, warns citizens of the world a mega earthquake potential. Michio Kaku has spoken to this effect during an appearance on the show "Good Morning America." He explained that there were very high probability that large earthquakes affecting the Earth in several places ...
He further explains that the earth is about to undergo strong shaking, everywhere, and says that cities around the world are not ready for this eventuality ...
Especially since many towns were built in places he had been better reserved for a few fishermen's shacks ...
Michio Kaku spared no words: "People should expect to see disappear from cities as large as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Mexico City, Tehran, Tokyo. Moreover, it is the cities that will be most conducive to suffer damage. "
Kaku concluded by saying "Remember the earthquake of magnitude 8.8 that occurred in Chile in 2010! It was so great that it literally deflect the planet to 8 centimeters (3 inches), and since the violent shaking our days are really just 24 hours!

It is well known that this earthquake will have worldwide in the months to come to the passage of the comet Elenin, not a comet but a brown dwarf, a planet five times higher than Jupiter, which passes through our solar system every 3600 years. Its orbit is the back and forth between our system and that of Orion.

This planet is a lot of name: Nibiru, Marduk, Nemesis, Tyche, Elenin, Planet X, Hercolubus, Red Planet.

Nibiru (Sumerian) legendary planet. The Babylonian and Akkadian have named Marduk, meaning king of heaven. The Egyptians and the Hebrews represented as a winged disc because of its huge elliptical orbit in the shape of wings. The Greeks called it Nemesis them.

The Apocalypse of St. John mentions this star.

Elenin is a brown dwarf, a dark star. Most brown dwarfs floating alone in space, confirming that they form like stars and not planets. Brown dwarfs are not easily observable, since they emit a weak radiation in the infrared. And so, in Greek mythology, Orion giant walk east blinded by the sun ... where he eventually regained his sight. The myth of Orion shows that the planet Elenin, from the Orion system, the great hunter, is blinded by the sun, because actually brown dwarfs are almost invisible because they emit a weak radiation in the infrared. If all the myths speak of the same star related to flood, because the hunter Orion boasted of being the only being capable of destroying all life on earth, then there is much to fear and in the coming months, the end of the world could good start.

We need to find refuge in the mountains and far from shore. Made bunkers, food supplies, books, it will keep everything you can for those who can, for those who want. The life expectancy of human beings on this planet is about 60 years. It's very little Wikistrike ask all readers to ask fundamental questions about their existence. Death is not an end, then flood or not, unprecedented global catastrophe or not, live each day as if it was the last to be happy, let's be constructive and positive, because in any case falling into panic not save us no, there is no escape.

Good luck to all.

Marc Bildermann for WikiStrike

WikiStrike read on:

The zero point = Maya October 28, 2011

Trajectory of the comet Elénin (Tyche)


En français

Elenin Comet: Astronomers Assassinated 2 ... End of the world?

The team of Wikistrike lengthily and consequently Reflected Before publishing this information of the more high importance. Could this information INVOLVE media and human consequences irreversible. According To our sources, we discovered the recent death of two suspects and Astronomers, Which Counted Among MOST important of the world. What You Will read exclusive IS thesis and assassinations Would Be as the irrefutable proof of What Awaits us all.

Brian Geoffrey Marsden was born on August 5, 1937, it died on November 18, 2010. He Was an American-British astronomer, He Was Since 1978 the director of Minor Planet Center of the ODS Located at Cambridge in Massachusetts. Minor Planet Center, Under the auspices of the International Astronomical Union, it IS the official organization in charge of the data-gathering for observation of small planets (asteroids) and comets, the calculation of Their orbit and the publication of this information via the Minor Planet Circulars ...

Al Rex Sandage was born on June 18, 1926 in Iowa City, Iowa (the United States), and died in San Gabriel (California) on November 13, 2010; it Counted Among the Largest contemporary American Astronomers. Born in year Jewish family, it attachments convert Towards the end of ITS life to Christianity. Sandage WORKED at the Mount Palomar observatory of the. This observatory belongs am and is controlled by off California Institue Technology (Caltech). One of the important Programs allotted to mount the Palomar Is The research program of the comets and asteroids NEO Near Earth Asteroid Tracking Called (NEAT). the near-Earth asteroids are asteroids Evolving / moving in the vicinity or in management of the Earth. To name 'em Often one uses abbreviation ECA, of Earth-Crossing Asteroids Français, asteroids orbit Whose Cross That of the Earth. Some of These objects Being Likely to Run Up Against the Earth, They Are the subject of a research and a Particular follow-up ...

The Two men died of acute encephalomyelitis year. Disseminated acute encephalomyelitis or post-infectious encephalitis or encephalitis are perivenous demyelinating disease annually inflammatory central nervous system. It Is Usually with a secondary viral, bacterial infection or immunization with a goal Can aussi APPEAR Spontaneously. It Consists Of An autoimmune ignition Leading to the destruction of the Sheaths of myelin in the white substance, in this respect and present similarities (physiopathological, clinical and paraclinic) with The Push of multiple sclerosis. It is a rare disease incidence is Worth Whose 0.8 cases/100 000 persons / year and the key Who preferentially child and the teenager, the Majority of the box Occurring Between 5 and 8 years. Perhaps this disease fulgurating inoculated by aerosol means clustering of year, very arms Often Used by the CIA.

The Two Astronomers died at 5 days of interval of the Same Disease, Which and More is a rare disease of Extremely year. They Were Specialized in the research and the observation of comets. Death threats by the U.S. government is nothing to Reveal Their Discoveries Regarding the trajectory and the real size of the comet Elenin, THEY PERSISTED in Wanting to Reveal the facts with the general public purpose in vain. A Few Weeks Later, the trajectory Which is Given to the general public Officially by NASA Will Be Obviously false. Work of Marsden and Sandage Showed a proximity too much important. The consequences Would Be a bursting of the earth's crust on the totality of the sphere. A true cataclysm. Half of Humanity Will Be Decimated.

Let us recall here the physicist Michio Kaku That, Who Predicted HAD the earthquakes in Japan, announces a world earthquake. The scientist of reputation, Michi Kaku, physicist, warn the Citizen of the World Potential of a mega earthquake. Michio Kaku Decided in this year towards DURING appearance to the "Good Morning America." He Explained Why There was very strong probability of earthquake scale so That touch the planet Ground in SEVERAL places ...
He still Explains That IS the ground about to undergo strong Jolt, a little everywhere, and That the said cities all over the world are not ready Possibility with this ...
More Especially as SEVERAL Were cities built in places Which It Had Been Held for better Some shacks of Fishermen ...
Michio Kaku icts Does not spare words: "People expect to see Should disappearing from the cities as large as Los Angeles, San Francisco, City Mexico City, Tehran, Tokyo. Moreover, in the big cities Fact Will Be To Suffer MOST TOO damage. "
Concluded Kaku while saying "It Is Necessary to remember earthquake of magnitude 8.8 Which Took place in Chile in 2010! It was so considerable That literally made ​​it deviate planet of 8 centimeters (3 inches) and sincere this violent jolt our days do not really 24 hours Have Any More Exactly!

It knows very well this world That Will Be earthquake due in the months Which come in the passing from the Elenin comet, comet Which is not a goal brown dwarf, a planet five times superior in Jupiter, Which in our solar system passes Every 3600 years. Its orbit Makes it go and come and That Between Our system from Orion.

This planet bears Much name: Nibiru, Marduk, Nemesis, Tyche, Elenin, Planet X, Hercolubus, red planet.

Nibiru (in Sumerian) The Mythical planet. Babylonian and Akkadian named it the Marduk, king of the skies Meaning. The Egyptians and Hebrew Represented it in the shape of a winged disc icts Because Of immense elliptic orbit in the shape of wings spread. The Greeks named it Nemesis' em.

The Apocalypse of Midsummer's Day mentions this star.

Elenin IS brown dwarf, a dark star. The Majority of brown dwarf only float in space, Which Confirms That They Are Formed like stars and planets not like. The brown dwarf ones are Not Easily observable, only one sincere THEY emit weak radiation in the infra-red. And This Is Why, in Greek mythology, the giant Orion walks Towards the east plugged by the sun ... where It Will finish Recovered by the sight. The myth of Orion shows the Elenin Well That planet, coming from the system from Orion, the hunter off, IS plugged by the sun, Because the dwarf Indeed brown ones are Almost invisible Because THEY emit only one weak radiation in the infra-red. If all speak about the myths related to the Sami star the flood, Because The hunter Orion WAS To Be Praised the only Being Able to destroy Any life on ground, then to fear There Is Much and Which in the months come, the end of the Could world start well.

It Is Necessary to find refuge in mountain and far from the coasts. Made bunkers, reserves of food, books, It Will Be Necessary to Preserve All That You Will Be Able For Those Which can, For Those Which Will want. The Life Expectancy of the Human Beings on our planet Approximately 60 years of IS. It Is very little, Wikistrike Requirements of all STIs readers to pose questions on Their Fundamental existence. Death Is Not an end, then flood or not, world cataclysm Without precedent or not, live as if it Each Day Were the last, are happy, are constructive and positive, Because to sink in Any case in general panic Will save us at all , it Does not Have No loophole there.

Good luck with all.

Bildermann for Marc WikiStrike

miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011

'Something Big Is Coming',The Elite Know It. But What Exactly Is It?

There are so many theories on what the Earth and Humanity will or could be facing between now and through the next few years to 2025. Depending on who you talk with or what website you look at may say that we are about to experience some kind of cosmic shift of density and consciousness or they may lean towards the whole Doomsday theory based on such ancient predictions from civilizations like the Mayans, Egyptians and Sumerians as well as ancient text like the I Ching. The hot topic these past few years has been mostly the discussion of the theory of a galactic body of various origins flying through space on a head on collision for our Solar System and Earth being the target. The popular names are Nibiru, Planet X and now Comet Elenin (which depending on what information you look at is either labeled as a Comet, Asteroid or Brown Dwarf Star). For the past two years I have off and on researched theories and research about Planet X and Nibiru and I have yet to see any proof that is valid enough to give me a solid platform to make a decision. I am certainly not ruling either theory but discretion with a Doomsday theory is important.

Recently I have been looking a lot at this Comet Elenin that NASA, JPL and other space agencies around the world have been monitoring and I must say this one has me watchful. Now unlike Planet X or Nibiru there is actual data of the monitoring of Comet Elenin. Oh yes I know that if Nibiru or Planet X does exist we aren’t getting the truth about it but it does seem curious what has been recently going on around the world and with governments since Elenin came into the public’s eye.

Now I am not here to tell you what to believe or not believe. I am simply as always give you my perspective on what I am witnessing currently with the planet and try to bring it together for you so that we can try and make sense of what may be coming that is being kept a secret from us. Strange things are taking place on a global scale which is leaving us all to ask why. Animal Pandemics, unusual Climate changes (Not the kind the Elite tell us), an increase and intensity of every kind of natural disaster, continental shifts and increasing activity in our solar system which is effecting every planet including the Sun which in turn has an effect on us. These increasing number of Lunar, Planetary and other cosmic alignments seem to be having quite the effect on people as well both bad and good. However cosmic alignments have happened forever. So why would these cosmic events be effecting our planet and Humans now? Why is this happening? These are the questions we all need to ask ourselves.

It is no secret that governments have been increasing the building of massive underground facilities, seed vaults and hording life sustaining essentials recently. Many of the Global Elite have either purchased huge amounts of property in the Southern Hemisphere, specifically South America, and some have already moved there. It would also seem that there is a massive increase in them stating publicly that everyone must make any preparations for disasters. Depending on what agency or government is expressing this concern also depends on the disaster. Some of the major disasters being advertised right now are Nuclear, Pandemic, Chemical-Biological, Natural (on global scale), Solar, Global Warming and even Cosmic to name a few. How interesting that none will touch the purposely Man-Made disaster issue. Recently I found a video that caused me to look deeper into this new Global Emergency Preparedness craze.

Are the Russians really building these underground shelters in the event of a nuclear disaster? The little neutral country of Switzerland already has enough underground facilities to provide shelter for every single Swiss citizen. Something the United States government would never do. Did you know that the United States government on average builds two to three deep underground facilities each year? That doesn’t even include the ones already built that are constantly being added to. I am going to share a little story with you all but first I want you to look at some other information that sparked this report. Like I said I cannot confirm the existence of Planet X or Nibiru but I can confirm Elenin.

sábado, 30 de abril de 2011

Spiders in Space: Researchers Observe Arachnid Habits in a Microgravity Environment

Scheduled to launch with STS-134, the spider habitat will transfer from the space shuttle Endeavour to the space station. Once aboard, the crew will place the two habitats into the Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus or CGBA. This equipment will maintain a consistent temperature, humidity and lighting cycle for the spiders and their sustenance supply of fruit flies. The CGBA also controls imaging for the investigation.

The spider pair currently planned for investigation with CSI-05 are both golden orb spiders (Nephila clavipes), which spin a three dimensional, asymmetric web. This is different from the two orb spiders (Larinioides patagiatus and Metepeira) that launched to the space station on STS-126, which were selected specifically for the symmetry of their web formation. Scientists are looking to see if and how the arachnids will spin their webs differently in microgravity. The results will help them to understand the behavioral role of gravity for the spiders and their fruit fly companions.

"I think people can relate to everyday insects and they can understand why the experiment is of interest," said Stefanie Countryman, coordinator for CSI-05. "Plus, the visual aspects of this experiment make it very appealing to the general public."

When a sequel does top the original, in science as in movies, it usually has something to do with lessons learned during the first production. The CSI-03 investigation, for instance, was unfortunately restricted to eight days, due to the spiders' fruit flies food 'sliming' the observation window. This obscured the view inside the habitat and limited the study. For CSI-05, which is funded by the National Space Biomedical Research Institute or NSBRI and the NASA National Lab Education Office, the fruit flies will have a separate compartment from the spiders. The crew will slowly introduce the flies -- approximately every four days -- into the two individual spider habitats, which should allow for clear imagery through the viewing window for the full 45-day duration of the investigation.

The fruit flies are not, however, simply nourishment for the spiders. They are actually a secondary study themselves. Scientists plan to look at their mobility over time to see if and how they react to the microgravity environment. They should be able to observe growth, behavioral and flight patterns as the flies develop.

There also is an important education element to this investigation, sponsored by Baylor College of medicine Center for Educational Outreach and Orion's Quest. While the N. clavipes is spinning in space, students on Earth will develop and observe their own spider habitats. Teachers can use a curriculum found on This Web site includes daily images sent from the space station to the BioServe Payload Operations and Control Center. This allows students to compare their spiders' spinning habits to those of the spiders in microgravity in near real time. Orion's Quest Web site -- -- will focus on the habits of the fruit flies in space.

lunes, 25 de abril de 2011

Black plants 'could grow' on exoplanets with two suns

Plants on distant hospitable planets could have developed black foliage and flowers to survive, according to a new study.

Flora that would appear black or grey to human eyes could have evolved on planets orbiting dim "red dwarf" stars, according to unpublished research that is being presented at the National Astronomy Meeting in Llandudno, Wales.

This would enable plants to absorb more light to photosynthesise, using their star's light to convert carbon dioxide into organic compounds.

Jack O'Malley-James, a PhD student and astrobiologist at St Andrews University, focused on multiple star systems thought to be common throughout the universe.

He used models for star systems with two or three stars with various combinations of Sun-like and red dwarf stars. He then added planets to these models, orbiting around one or more of the stars.
Exotic plantlife

The research presumes first that plant life similar to that on Earth could evolve on an exoplanet in the "habitable zone" around its star - which is not a given, but the odds of which are difficult to estimate.

The idea then is that photosynthesis there would resemble that seen on our own planet, whereby plants use energy from the Sun to convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and organic compounds, such as sugars.

Flora on those planets would have to adapt to very different light conditions in order to photosynthesise.

"If a planet were found in a system with two or more stars, there would potentially be multiple sources of energy available to drive photosynthesis," said O'Malley-James.

"The temperature of a star determines its colour and, hence, the colour of light used for photosynthesis. Depending on the colours of their starlight, plants would evolve very differently."
with planets thought to be close in mass to our Earth

If a planet's light source comes primarily from a red dwarf, then O'Malley-James believes any possible plant life could be black or grey - but there are other outcomes which are more exotic still.

One possible scenario is a hospitable planet that receives light from both a red dwarf and a more distant Sun-like star.

This could lead to two tiers of plantlife populating the same planet - plants using light from the Sun-like star which may be brighter in colour, and a second, darker array of plants using light from the red dwarf.

"Plants with dim red dwarf suns, for example, may appear black to our eyes, absorbing across the entire visible wavelength range in order to use as much of the available light as possible," said Mr O'Malley-James.

"They may also be able to use infrared or ultraviolet radiation to drive photosynthesis. For planets orbiting two stars like our own, harmful radiation from intense stellar flares could lead to plants that develop their own UV-blocking sun-screens," he said.

Mr O'Malley-James's work is being supervised by Dr Jane Greaves of St Andrews, Professor John Raven of the University of Dundee and by Professor Charles Cockell of the Open University.

jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

NASA's Next Generation Space Telescope Marks Key Milestone

The X-ray and Cryogenic Facility at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. will provide the space-like environment to help engineers measure how well the telescope will image infrared sources once in orbit.

Each mirror segment measures approximately 4.3 feet (1.3 meters) in diameter to form the 21.3 foot (6.5 meters), hexagonal telescope mirror assembly critical for infrared observations. Each of the 18 hexagonal-shaped mirror assemblies weighs approximately 88 pounds (40 kilograms). The mirrors are made of a light and strong metal called beryllium, and coated with a microscopically thin coat of gold to enabling the mirror to efficiently collect light.

"The six flight mirrors sitting ready for cryogenic acceptance tests have been carefully polished to their exact prescriptions," said Helen Cole, project manager for Webb activities at Marshall. "It's taken the entire mirror development team, including all the partners, over eight years of fabrication, polishing and cryogenic testing to get to this point."

During cryogenic testing, the mirrors are subjected to extreme temperatures dipping to minus 415 degrees Fahrenheit (-248C) in a 7,600 cubic-foot (approximately 215 cubic meter) helium-cooled vacuum chamber. This permits engineers to measure in extreme detail how the shape of the mirror changes as it cools. This simulates the actual processes each mirror will undergo as it changes shape over a range of operational temperatures in space.

"This final cryotest is expected to confirm the exacting processes that have resulted in flight mirrors manufactured to tolerances as tight as 20 nanometers, or less than one millionth of an inch," said Scott Texter, Webb Optical Telescope element manager at Northrop Grumman in Redondo Beach, Calif.

A second set of six mirror assemblies will arrive at Marshall in July to begin testing, and the final set of six will arrive during the fall.

The Webb Telescope is NASA's next-generation space observatory and successor to the Hubble Space Telescope. The most powerful space telescope designed, Webb will observe the most distant objects in the universe, provide images of the very first galaxies ever formed and help identify unexplored planets around distant stars. The telescope will orbit approximately one million miles from Earth.

"The Webb telescope continues to make good technological progress," said Rick Howard, JWST Program Director in Washington. "We're currently developing a new baseline cost and schedule to ensure the success of the program."

The telescope is a combined project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Canadian Space Agency. Northrop Grumman is the prime contractor under NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. in Boulder, Colo., is responsible for mirror development. L-3- Tinsley Laboratories Inc. in Richmond, Calif. is responsible for mirror grinding and polishing.

For more information about the James Webb Space Telescope, visit:

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

Where Will the Debris from Japan's Tsunami Drift in the Ocean?

The debris first spreads out eastward from the Japan Coast in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. In a year, the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument will see pieces washing up on its shores; in two years, the remaining Hawaiian islands will see some effects; in three years, the plume will reach the US West Coast, dumping debris on Californian beaches and the beaches of British Columbia, Alaska, and Baja California. The debris will then drift into the famous North Pacific Garbage Patch, where it will wander around and break into smaller and smaller pieces. In five years, Hawaii shores can expect to see another barrage of debris that is stronger and longer-lasting than the first one. Much of the debris leaving the North Pacific Garbage Patch ends up on Hawaii's reefs and beaches.

These model projections will help to guide clean-up and tracking operations. Tracking will be important in determining what happens to different materials in the tsunami debris, for example, how the composition of the debris plume changes with time, and how the winds and currents separate objects drifting at different speeds.

Even before the tsunami, the World Ocean was a dump for rubbish flowing in from rivers, washed off beaches, and jettisoned from oil and gas platforms and from fishing, tourist, and merchant vessels. Marine debris has become a serious problem for marine ecosystems, fisheries, and shipping. The presentations given at the recent week-long 5th International Marine Debris Conference in Hawaii, at which Maximenko had organized a day-long workshop, are a testimony to the magnitude of the ocean debris problem. The massive, concentrated debris launched by the devastating tsunami is now magnifying the hazards.

Maximenko's long-standing work on ocean currents and transports predicted that there are five major regions in the World Ocean where debris collects if it is not washed up on shores or sinks to the ocean bottom, deteriorates, or is ingested by marine organisms. These regions turn out to be "garbage patches." The North Pacific Garbage Patch has become famous, the North Atlantic Patch was fixed some years ago, and the South Atlantic, South Indian Ocean, and South Pacific patches have just been found, guided by the map of his model that shows where floating marine debris should collect.

sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011

Black Hole Found in Binary Star System: More Than Five Times Greater in Mass Than Our Sun

X-ray binaries are stellar systems composed by a compact object (which may be a neutron star or a black hole) and a 'normal' star. The compact object sucks matter out of the star and adds it slowly to its own mass, through a spiral disc formed around it. This process of absorption is known as acretion. Only 20 binary systems, out of an estimated population of around 5,000 within our Galaxy, are known to contain a black hole.

XTE J1859+226 is, in particular, a transient X-ray binary located in the Vulpecula constellation. It was discovered by satellite RXTE during an eruption registered in 1999.

"Transient X-ray binaries are characterised for spending most of their life in a state of calmness, but occasionally entering eruption stages, during which the rhythm of acretion of matter toward the black hole is triggered," Jesús Corral Santana explains, an astrophysicist from the IAC, who led the work published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS).

Neutron stars as well as black holes are the remains left by a massive star after its death. Most of the known neutron stars have a mass around 1.4 times that of the Sun, though in some cases, values up to over twice the mass of the Sun have been measured. Astronomers believe that when greater than tree times the solar mass, neutron stars are not stable, and end up collapsing and forming a black hole.

For Corral-Santana, "measuring the mass of compact objects is essential to determine what kind of object it may be. If it's greater than three times the solar mass, it can only be a black hole. We found that XTE J1859+226 has a black hole more than 5.4 times greater than the mass of the Sun. It's the definitive confirmation of the existence of a black hole in this object."

"With this result we add a new piece to the study of the mass distribution of black holes. The shape of this distribution has very important implications for our knowledge about the death of massive stars, the formation of black holes, and the evolution of X-ray binary systems," the IAC astrophysicist adds.

Twelve years of observation: measuring the visible and the invisible

The astrophysicists' team at IAC hadn't lost track of the stellar object since it entered an eruption stage in 1999, when they started to set up observation campaigns to follow its evolution. The researchers have combined the photometric measures from the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) and the William Herschel Telescope (WHT) in year 2000, and those from the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) in 2008, with the spectroscopy carried out with the GTC in 2010, the first one ever published about this particular object.

"Due to the low brilliance of the system under observation, we needed 10 meter telescopes in able to obtain spectra. In this sense, having been able to make our observations from the GTC has been determinant," Corral-Santana emphasises.

The measurements at the GTC were carried out with the OSIRIS instrument, which may be used as a camera or as a spectrograph in the visible range. The spectrograph decomposes the light emitted by a star into its different frequencies and allows detecting lines corresponding to the different chemical elements present in its atmosphere. These lines adduce information about the physical properties of the star and its movement.

The photometric measures allowed determining the orbital period of the binary (6.6 hours), while the spectroscopy data also provided information about the speed of the star's orbital movement around the black hole. The combination of both of these parameters proved to be vital to calculate the mass of the back hole.

The Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC), located at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (in La Palma, Canary Islands), is the biggest optical-infrared telescope of the World, with a 10.4 metre diameter mirror.

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

Alien Earths in Our Galaxy Alone

Roughly one out of every 37 to one out of every 70 sunlike stars in the sky might harbor an alien Earth, a new study reveals.

These findings hint that billions of Earthlike planets might exist in our galaxy, researchers added.

These new calculations are based in data from the Kepler space telescope, which in February wowed the globe by revealing more than 1,200 possible alien worlds, including 68 potentially Earth-size planets. The spacecraft does so by looking for the dimming that occurs when a world transits or moves in front of a star.

Scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., focused on roughly Earth-size planets within the habitable zones of their stars — that is, orbits where liquid water can exist on the surfaces of those worlds. [The Strangest Alien Planets]

After the researchers analyzed the four months of data in this initial batch of readings from Kepler, they determined that 1.4 to 2.7 percent of all sunlike stars are expected to have Earthlike planets — ones that are between 0.8 and two times Earth's diameter and within the habitable zones of their stars.

"This means there are a lot of Earth analogs out there — two billion in the Milky Way galaxy," researcher Joseph Catanzarite, an astronomer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, told "With that large a number, there's a good chance life and maybe even intelligent life might exist on some of those planets. And that's just our galaxy alone — there are 50 billion other galaxies."

After three to four years of Kepler data are investigated, the scientists predict a total of 12 Earthlike worlds will be found. Four of these have already been seen in the four months of data released so far, they added. Kepler mission scientists have estimated that, altogether, there could be 50 billion planets in the Milky Way, though not all would be Earth-size worlds within the habitable zone of their local stars.

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

22 Dead as Quake Topples Buildings in SW China

BEIJING -- An earthquake toppled houses and damaged a hotel and supermarket in China's extreme southwest near the border with Myanmar on Thursday, killing at least 22 people and injuring more than 200, officials and state media said.

Photos from the scene showed buildings that buckled, crushing their lower floors. Police, firefighters and soldiers rushed to the area to pull out people trapped in the rubble, including a man and girl stuck in the stairwell of a four-story building, according to state broadcaster China Central Television.

One sidewalk was lined with injured people, lying on blankets and being shielded from the sun by large vendor umbrellas.

The quake hit while many people, including students, were home for a customary midday rest, the broadcaster said. In addition to the 22 killed, 201 people have been injured, it said. The report said at least two students were among those killed but didn't give details.

The website of the Chinese government earthquake monitoring station said the magnitude-5.8 quake was centered on Yunnan province's Yingjiang county and struck just before 1 p.m. at a depth of six miles. The U.S. Geological Survey measured the quake at a magnitude of 5.4 and at a deeper 21 miles.

Tremors continued to be felt in the area throughout the afternoon and evening, according to CCTV reporter Shu Qian, who was at the disaster scene in Yingjiang County.

The quake's epicenter was in Shiming Village, just over a mile from the county seat, but triggered a power outage across Yingjiang, which has a population of about 300,000 people, Xinhua said.

By evening, the power supply was still cut off, though water and communications didn't appear to be damaged, Shu said.

An official on duty at the quake monitoring center, Gao Shaotang, said many houses had been destroyed. Xinhua said the army was sending 400 soldiers to the site for rescue efforts.

A government team that includes the Civil Affairs Ministry has also been dispatched to the quake-stricken area, CCTV said. About 5,000 tents, 10,000 quilts and 10,000 coats are also being sent from the central government.

The mountainous area lies 1,500 miles southwest of Beijing, close to the border with Myanmar, and is home to many ethnic groups on both sides of the border, which sees heavy traffic in people and goods.

Xinhua said the quake-prone region has been hit by more than 1,000 minor tremors over the past two months.

The Myanmar Meteorological Department released a statement saying a quake had hit some 230 miles northeast of Mandalay, the country's second-largest city.

The statement did not mention injuries, damage or the specific area of Myanmar most affected by the quake. Authorities in the tightly ruled country tend not to immediately discuss the effects of natural disasters.

Much of the area on the Myanmar side been under the control of various armed ethnic groups, who have battled the Myanmar military to remain free from central government control.

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011

China's 'Two Suns' Video Unexplained By Science

Weeks after a story shot across the Web claiming that the imminent explosion of a nearby star would result in the appearance of a second sun in the sky – a story that was later debunked – two suns were caught on camera yesterday in China. The suns – one fuzzy and orange, the other a crisp yellow orb – appeared side-by-side, one slightly higher than the other.

What's going on? Life's Little Mysteries, a sister site to, asked Jim Kaler, the University of Illinois astronomer who squelched the excitement over the aforementioned exploding Betelgeuse and who has written books on the day and night sky. The double sun image is an effect of optical refraction, Kaler said, but it's a "pretty darn rare" one, and one not fully explained by science.

"I doubt it's been computer modeled," he said. "There must have been some blob of atmosphere somewhere that caused this truly spectacular phenomenon, which in a sense is a mirage." [Amazing Sun Photos From Space]

Mirages appear when particles in the atmosphere refract, or bend, light. This typically happens near the horizon, where air is thicker, though, and mirages are usually aligned vertically above or below the original source of the light – not beside it, like in the video. It's possible, Kaler said, that an unusually thick patch of atmosphere wandered in front of the sun to create the unusual effect.

Previous sightings of horizontally-aligned double images of the sun and moon are recorded in a book called "Light and Color in the Outdoors" (English edition: Springer 1993) by the famous Flemish astronomer Marcel Minnaert, which remains the most complete reference on double suns. "So many other instances have been reported that there is no longer any doubt about … observations of sun and mock sun(s) being at exactly the same altitude," Minnaert wrote.

"The case of a mock sun 3 degrees and 25 arc-seconds to the left of the nearly set sun sounds incredible but has been recorded photographically." Indeed, Minnaert's description sounds nearly identical to the scene in question.

He goes on to state that the double or multiple image phenomena are produced by abnormal refraction, but that "it remains extraordinary that the images of the sun and moon were sharp and of the same size as the real sun and moon."

To check whether more has been learned about the double sun effect since the time of Minnaert's writing,Life's Little Mysteries consulted several atmospheric optics experts. None of them had ever seen anything quite like the effect shown in the video.

"This is not a common optical phenomenon that we're seeing here," said Grant Perry, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Wisconsin Cooperative Institute for Satellite and Meteorological Studies. "I'm asking myself if this is an artifact of the lens, but if that were the case – if it's reflections of the lens elements – then the images would move in relation to each other as the camera moves," Perry said. "But that doesn't happen."

In terms of an optical explanation, he said, "You would have to assume it is particles of ice or something in the atmosphere aligned in such a way that they would refract the sunlight at that very small angle, but only in one direction. It would require some fairly peculiar characteristics."

Several related atmospheric optical effects are fully explained by science. Sun dogs, sunset mirages, sun pillars and sun halos are all relatively common and well understood. But not this effect.

"It's very intriguing," said Kaler.

sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011

Exclusive: NASA Scientist Claims Evidence of Alien Life on Meteorite

We are not alone in the universe -- and alien life forms may have a lot more in common with life on Earth than we had previously thought.

That's the stunning conclusion one NASA scientist has come to, releasing his groundbreaking revelations in a new study in the March edition of the Journal of Cosmology.

Dr. Richard B. Hoover, an astrobiologist with NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, has traveled to remote areas in Antarctica, Siberia, and Alaska, amongst others, for over ten years now, collecting and studying meteorites. He gave early access to the out-of-this-world research, published late Friday evening in the March edition of the Journal of Cosmology. In it, Hoover describes the latest findings in his study of an extremely rare class of meteorites, called CI1 carbonaceous chondrites -- only nine such meteorites are known to exist on Earth.

Though it may be hard to swallow, Hoover is convinced that his findings reveal fossil evidence of bacterial life within such meteorites, the remains of living organisms from their parent bodies -- comets, moons and other astral bodies. By extension, the findings suggest we are not alone in the universe, he said.

“I interpret it as indicating that life is more broadly distributed than restricted strictly to the planet earth,” Hoover told “This field of study has just barely been touched -- because quite frankly, a great many scientist would say that this is impossible.

In what he calls “a very simple process,” Dr. Hoover fractured the meteorite stones under a sterile environment before examining the freshly broken surface with the standard tools of the scientist: a scanning-electron microscope and a field emission electron-scanning microscope, which allowed him to search the stone’s surface for evidence of fossilized remains.

He found the fossilized remains of micro-organisms not so different from ordinary ones found underfoot -- here on earth, that is.

“The exciting thing is that they are in many cases recognizable and can be associated very closely with the generic species here on earth,” Hoover told But not all of them. “There are some that are just very strange and don’t look like anything that I’ve been able to identify, and I’ve shown them to many other experts that have also come up stumped.”

Other scientists tell the implications of this research are shocking, describing the findings variously as profound, very important and extraordinary. But Dr. David Marais, an astrobiologist with NASA’s AMES Research Center, says he’s very cautious about jumping onto the bandwagon.

These kinds of claims have been made before, he noted -- and found to be false.

“It’s an extraordinary claim, and thus I’ll need extraordinary evidence,” Marais said.

Knowing that the study will be controversial, the journal invited members of the scientific community to analyze the results and to write critical commentaries ahead of time. Though none are online yet, those comments will be posted alongside the article, said Dr. Rudy Schild, a scientist with the Harvard-Smithsonian's Center for Astrophysics and the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Cosmology.

"Given the controversial nature of his discovery, we have invited 100 experts and have issued a general invitation to over 5,000 scientists from the scientific community to review the paper and to offer their critical analysis," Schild wrote in an editor's note along with the article. "No other paper in the history of science has undergone such a thorough vetting, and never before in the history of science has the scientific community been given the opportunity to critically analyze an important research paper before it is published, he wrote."

Dr. Seth Shostak, senior astronomer at the SETI Institute, said there is a lot of hesitancy to believe such proclamations. If true, the implications would be far-reaching throughout the fields of science and astronomy, the suggestions and possibilities stunning.

“Maybe life was seeded on earth -- it developed on comets for example, and just landed here when these things were hitting the very early Earth,” Shostak speculated. “It would suggest, well, life didn’t really begin on the Earth, it began as the solar system was forming.”

Hesitancy to believe new claims is something common and necessary to the field of science, Hoover said.

“A lot of times it takes a long time before scientists start changing their mind as to what is valid and what is not. I’m sure there will be many many scientists that will be very skeptical and that’s OK.”

Until Hoover’s research can be independently verified, Marais said, the findings should be considered “a potential signature of life.” Scientists, he said, will now take the research to the next level of scrutiny, which includes an independent confirmation of the results by another lab, before the findings can be classified “a confirmed signature of life.”

Hoover says he isn’t worried about the process and is open to any other explanations.

“If someone can explain how it is possible to have a biological remain that has no nitrogen, or nitrogen below the detect ability limits that I have, in a time period as short as 150 years, then I would be very interested in hearing that."

"I’ve talked with many scientists about this and no one has been able to explain,” he said.

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

Russian Warning Issued Over “Controlled” Comet Headed Towards Earth

A chilling report prepared for President Medvedev by Minister Serdyukov of the Russian Defense Ministry on the building of an additional 5,000 underground ‘bomb’ shelters in Moscow warns that even though progress is being made, the appearance of the new Comet Elenin [photo top left] in our Solar System means“additional resources” will have to be added “immediately” as the 2012 timeline for completion “may not be soon enough”.

Sparking the fears of Minister Serdyukov, he says in this report, is that based upon the new orbit calculations for Comet Elenin, it appears in “all likelihood” that this celestial object is under some type of “intelligent control” and will approach our Earth “much closer” than originally thought this coming fall season.

Comet Elenin was discovered by Doctor-Scientist Leonid Elenin on 10 December 2010 from his research facility in Lyubertsy utilizing images acquired from the 18-inch (45-cm) telescope at the ISON-NM Observatory near Mayhill, New Mexico and confirmed by Doctor-Scientists Aleksei Sergeyev and Artem Novichenko from the Maidanak Observatory in Uzbekistan.

Upon its discovery Comet Elenin was traveling very near the ecliptic plane at more than 4 Astronomical Units (375 million miles) from the Sun and headed inbound towards it. Its original perihelion [point in the orbit of a planet, asteroid or comet where it is nearest to the Sun] was calculated to occur well inside Earth’s orbit at about 0.45 Astronomical Units (42 million miles) from the Sun to occur on or about 5 September 2011 making it visible to the naked eye in the pre-dawn skies in the Constellation of Leo.

Most ominous in Minister Serdyukov’s report is his assertion that Comet Elenin appears to be in “direct contact” with the mysterious Jupiter-sized planet discovered beyond the orbit of Pluto that is, also, headed inbound towards our Sun.

American scientists Daniel Whitmire and John Matese from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette have named this mysterious planet Tyche, but as we had previously stated in our 18 February report, “Russian Leader Confirms To Pope New Planet Arrival In 2012”, the ancient peoples of our Earth new it by other names as well.

Interesting to note about Comet Elenin is that even though the American space agency NASA has said “Because of the possibility that the comet’s orbit slightly deviate from, there is no guarantee that Earth will be missed”, they have, also, in contradiction, stated that “…Comet Elenin will come nowhere near the Earth. At its closest (on 10 September 2011) it will be more than 25 million km from our planet.”

To the identity of those extraterrestrial forces controlling Comet Elenin our world had been forewarned about by the former Canadian Defense Minister, Paul Hellyer, who stated about them: “Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about where we were headed and offered to help. But instead we, or at least some of us, interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after.”

As to those “visitors from other planets” referred to by Minister Hellyer we can further glean from the memo sent to President Franklin Roosevelt (1882-1945) by his Army Chief of Staff George Marshall (1880-1959) [reprinted below in its entirety] about what is now referred to as “The Battle of Los Angeles” where American Forces fired upon a UFO fleet shortly after their countries entrance into World War II.

From the United States initial firing upon these UFO’s in “The Battle of Los Angeles” they continued to appear over both the European and Pacific Theaters of Operation during World War II and were dubbed as “Foo Fighters” by the US Army Air Forces 415th Night Fighter Squadron.

The most famous modern historical account of these UFO/Foo Fighters occurred in the summer of 1947 when at least one of them was shot down, or crashed near the Roswell Army Air Field in New Mexico which was home to the US Army Air Forces 509th Bomb Group that dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, and is known today as the “Roswell Incident”.

Though initially reported to the American public by their government that a “flying saucer” had, indeed, been captured, the US Military almost immediately contradicted themselves by denying what just 24-yours earlier they had admitted.

Most important to note about the Roswell Incident, however, was that its investigation was headed by the first US Air Force Secretary, and close personal friend of then President Harry Truman (1884-1072),Stuart Symington (1901-1988) who reported his findings to the first US Defense Secretary James Forrestal (1892-1949).

Throughout 1948, and into 1949, Secretary’s Forrestal and Symington repeated clashed leading President Truman to replace Forrestal on 28 March 1949. Within two months (22 May 1949) Forrestal was reported dead by suicide after having jumped out the window of Bethesda Naval Hospital where he had been forcibly detained.

More interesting, however, is the report of the last meeting between Forrestal and Symington on the Roswell Incident, and as, in part, we can read:

“Forrestal accused Clark of having the FBI shadow him, which Clark denied, but which according to all of Forrestal’s biographers could well have been true. Forrestal finally left office in a formal ceremony on March 28th, his last public appearance.

What followed after the ceremony remains mysterious. “There is something I would like to talk to you about,” Symington told Forrestal, and accompanied him privately during the ride back to the Pentagon. What Symington said is not known, but Forrestal emerged from the ride deeply upset, even traumatized, upon arrival at his office. Friends of Forrestal implied that Symington said something that “shattered Forrestal’s last remaining defenses.” When someone entered Forrestal’s office several hours later, the former Secretary of Defense did not notice. Instead, he sat rigidly at his desk, staring at the bare wall, incoherent, repeating the sentence, “you are a loyal fellow,” for several hours.”

As we have attempted to detail in many recent reports, including “Greenland Sunrise Shocks World As Superstorms Pound Planet”, “Poisonous Space Clouds Slamming Into Earth Cause Mass Bird And Fish Deaths”, “New Superstorms Warned Have ‘Doomed’ World Food Production” and “Pole Shift Blamed For Russian Air Disaster, Closure Of US Airport”, the greatest fears Forrestal had after Symington’s final Roswell report was given to him are, indeed coming true in our times today.

Though the masses of the American people are still not being told the truth about the dire state of our world, the same cannot be said about their elite masters, who according to new evidence gathered by independent researchers are building for themselves vast underground bunkers to protect themselves when the times of trouble come.

One such company building these underground survival bunkers for the US elite is the American Reassurance Communities (ARC), and who describe their efforts as follows:

“Each ARC Bunker Complex consists of a 300,000 sq ft subterranean self-contained community survival shelter complex designed to accommodate 2500 people for up to 60 months in military grade bunkers complete with schools, medical/dental, greenhouses, theater, recreation, everything needed for a large group of people to live in a safe, comfortable environment and survive almost any disaster.

ARC Bunkers are manufactured to withstand a direct nuclear hit, EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) attacks, biological attacks, hurricanes, tornados, volcanos, earthquakes, floods, solar flares, meteorites, and ground assaults.”

For anyone thinking they can order such protection for themselves (even allowing that they have the hundreds of thousands of dollars it would cost) an ARC spokesman said in a recently released conversation (listen to audio here) that it would take over a year for them to be able to build anything because of the tremendous backorders they are now filling due to what he says is because “everyone is freaked out about something”. And this is aside from the US government’s recent purchase of over $1 Billion in survival food to protect America’s leaders.

To what those in the knowing are so “freaked about” it is in our knowing too, but is, also, so complex and shrouded in shadows as to make it nearly indecipherable to all but the most informed, and which, most assuredly, the masses of people today aren’t even close to.

The complete story, and the knowledge you have a right to know, is only going to be gained by yourself as those who rule over you will tell you nothing, even to the point of disparaging those, like us, who believe not only in your right to know the truth, but how simple it can really be to protect yourself and your families from the many horrors yet to come.

This report, therefore, like all the others before it, is but another “puzzle piece” to be put into place so that when added to the many others to come will show you the shattering truth being kept from you.

The great German romantic writer Jean Paul Richter (1763-1825) once said, “A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the time, and a courageous person afterward.” And these are, indeed, the times one has to choose which they are, we hope you are courageous, they will be the only ones to survive.

©March 1, 2011 EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]
Below it's a OFFICIAL NASA VIDEO, see it also at

miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011

Human rights group: At least 6,000 dead in Libya

At least 6,000 people have died since the start of the revolt against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's regime two weeks ago, a spokesman for the Libyan Human Rights League said Wednesday.

"Victims in the whole country were 6,000," Ali Zeidan told reporters in Paris, adding that this included 3,000 in the capital Tripoli, 2,000 in the rebel-held second city Benghazi and 1,000 in other cities.

"This is what people told us, but it can be more," he added.

Meanwhile, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court says he is opening a formal investigation into possible crimes against humanity in Libya.

The announcement is an unprecedentedly swift reaction to Gaddafi's violent crackdown on anti-government protests. Prosecutors often take months and sometimes years to decide whether to open an investigation into possible war crimes.

Wednesday's announcement said Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo has decided to launch the investigation after a "preliminary examination of available information."

The United Nations Security Council on Saturday ordered the court to look into possible crimes in Libya. Moreno-Ocampo only began a preliminary probe Monday.

lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011

4.7 magnitude Hit Arkansas

Yesterday, a moderate 4.7 magnitude temblor rattled the region, one of the largest of the hundreds of quakes that have struck over the past 6 months.

More than 70 earthquakes (Magnitude 1.0+) have been recorded over the past 7 days in south-central U.S., including an unusual 3.5 quake that shook the Alabama Gulf coast yesterday and was felt in the panhandle of Florida.
While understandably unnerving for residents, these quakes are not necessarily a harbinger of something bigger in store for the region. Earthquake swarms often appear, persist for months or even years, and then recede never having caused a significant event.

sábado, 26 de febrero de 2011

Solar Experts Detect Waves in Giant Magnetic Holes the Size of the UK

The Sun is interwoven by a complex network of magnetic field lines that are responsible for a large variety of fascinating features that can be seen in the solar atmosphere. Large, dark regions, which look like holes on the Sun´s surface, mark out areas where the magnetic field breaks through from the Sun´s deep, boiling interior and rises into the very hot solar atmosphere, which is over a million degrees. The largest of these dark regions are often called sunspots and have been studied since their discovery from as early as 364 BC.

Led by Professor Robertus von Fay-Siebenburgen, Head of the Solar Physics and Space Plasma Research Centre (SP2RC) at the University of Sheffield, the team studied a magnetic region of the Sun much smaller than a sunspot, however its size was still many times greater than the size of the UK.

Their research, which was published this week in Astrophysical Journal, has shown that the magnetic hole they observed, which is also known as a pore, is able to channel energy generated deep inside the Sun, along the magnetic field to the Sun´s upper atmosphere. The magnetic field emerging through the pore is over 1,000 times stronger than the magnetic field of Earth.The energy being transported is in the form of a very special form of waves, known as `sausage waves´ which the scientists were able to observe using a UK-built solar imager known as ROSA (Rapid Oscillations of the Solar Atmosphere), which was designed by Queen´s University Belfast and is in operation at the Dunn Solar Telescope, Sacramento Peak, USA. This is the first direct observation of `sausage waves´ at the solar surface. The magnetic hole is seen to increase and decrease in size periodically which is a characteristic feature of the `sausage wave.´

The team of experts, including Dr Richard Morton from the University of Sheffield, as well as Professor Mihalis Mathioudakis and Dr David Jess from Queen´s University Belfast, hope these giant magnetic holes will play an important role in unveiling the longstanding secrets behind solar coronal heating.

This is because the solar surface has a temperature of a few thousand degrees but the solar corona -- the outermost, mysterious, and least understood layer of the Sun's atmosphere -- is heated to temperatures often a thousand times hotter than the surface. Why the temperature of the Sun´s atmosphere increases as we move further away from the centre of energy production, which lies under the surface, is a great mystery of astrophysics. The findings, which demonstrate the transfer of energy on a massive scale, offer a new explanation for this puzzle.

The team now hope to use further similar solar images from ROSA to understand the fine substructure of these massive magnetic holes by reconstructing the images to view what is inside the holes.

Professor Robertus von Fay-Siebenburgen, said: "This is a fascinating new discovery in line with a number of discoveries made in recent years by the team. It is the first time that `sausage waves´ have been detected in the Sun with such detail. Analysing these waves may bring us closer to understanding the physical mechanisms in the atmosphere of a star.

Comet ELEnin in DISGUISE

viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011

The Planet X/Nibiru/ELEnin Brown Dwarf Timeline

Download Full Images Here

March 4th, 2011 marks the day that the brown dwarf (info) breaks through the ecliptic plane into the northern hemisphere to begin influencing the earth into convulsions and severe spasms. Earthquake and volcanic activity will escalate from this time forward and increase like birthpangs where the earth groans and the oceans slosh tidal waves too and fro.

March 15, 2011 is the first of three conjunctions where the earth is caught in the gravitational gradient lines-or the trough-that binds the sun and brown dwarf together. The sun will be pulling one way and the brown dwarf the other way and the predicted pole shift event will take place. The interesting thing about this particular day is that Saturn, the brown dwarf, the Earth and the Sun and Mars and Jupiter and Uranus are all in alignment. The astronomy people and the media should be talking about this alignment, because rarely do seven planetary and solar bodies line up in a straight line like we see on March 15, 2011.

This gravity trough is going to be the mother of all where the planets are lined up for a game of Tug of War. The earth will be susceptible to the brown dwarf's magnetism and flip over to match the giant's polarity like a smaller magnet flips in space for a larger one . This is the reason why so many people are giving out warnings concerning the conjunction and pole shift on March 15, 2011. The magnetic poles are not shifting on their own at some near future time. They are being influenced and shifted gradually by the approach of Nibiru/Planet X. The Govt knows (FEMA preparing = US Govt Bunker Map) all of this and keeps people in the dark, because there is only so many spaces in their underground bunkers. The brown dwarf crosses the Mars orbit on June 30, 2011. Keep your eye on the earth and sun distances as we continue.

August 3, 2011 marks the time that the earth passes through the brown dwarf perigee position, while the brown dwarf is crossing the earth orbit location. About two weeks pass and on August 18 the brown dwarf crosses the Venus orbit some 67 million miles form the sun. Then 24 days pass to the magical moment when the brown dwarf reaches the nearest point to the sun at 44.73 million miles. This right here is the reason that the Rothschild/Rockefeller Banksters (What Really Happened) and the Globalist New World Order Elites used Bush and company to plan and carry out the 9/11 inside job attacks on 9/11/2001 exactly ten years to the day. The banksters and their bought-and-paid-for corrupt politicians and lying media moguls are planning to hide themselves in underground bunkers all around the world and let the peasants fend for themselves.

September 25, 2011 marks the time that the earth passes through the second conjunction with the sun, brown dwarf, Mercury, Saturn, the Sun and Uranus in line for another Tug of War. The sun, brown dwarf, Mercury and Saturn are pulling the earth towards the sun in an event that will bring the earth nearer to the sun than at any time in the last 3600 years. There are 14 days between the brown dwarf reaching perigee position and this conjunction with the earth and sun being equidistant to the dwarf on the 7th day. Look down in the lower left hand corner of the Sept. 25 diagram to see the brown dwarf is now nearer the earth than the sun at only 38 million miles.
October 2 is the day that the brown dwarf crosses Venus' orbit again to begin trekking in the direction of earth. Our planet is still being pulled towards the sun, but by this time we are also being pulled forward into the massive gravity well. Two weeks go by and the brown dwarf crossed the earth orbit line to pass directly in front of our planet at just 22.3 million miles away, which is the nearest point in our encounter. The brown dwarf crosses the Mars orbit line on November 14, 2011 on way to the third conjunction on November 22 where the earth passes directly between the two once again like on March 15.

Feb 11 Nibiru between Jupiter and Mars orbits. 2.66 AU from Earth.

March 4 Nibiru breaks through solar ecliptic plane to enter northern hemisphere. 2.26 AU from Earth.

March 15 Saturn, Nibiru, Earth, Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus are in alignment creating gravity trough
and pole shift event. First Conjunction. 2.09 AU from Earth.

June 30 Nibiru crosses Mars orbit. 1.77 AU from Earth.

Aug 3 Nibiru crosses Earth orbit and Earth reaches Nibiru perigee position. 1.48 AU from Earth.

Aug 18 Nibiru crosses Venus orbit. 1.24 AU from Earth.

Sept 11 Nibiru reaches perigee position at Mercury orbit. .70 AU from Earth.

Sept 25 Nibiru equidistant from Sun and Earth. Second Conjunction. .40 AU from Earth.

Oct 2 Nibiru at Venus orbit. .316 AU from Earth.

Oct 17 Nibiru at Earth orbit and nearest position. .24 AU from Earth @ 22.3 million miles.

Nov 14 Nibiru crosses Mars orbit. .47 AU from Earth.

Nov 22 Nibiru, Earth and Sun alignment for third and final conjunction. .57 AU from Earth.

Nibiru will finally be farther from the Earth than the Sun on March 1, 2012 marking 165 days from Sept. 18, 2011 that Nibiru was nearer our planet than the Sun.